It is a known fact that overweight and obese people are more prone to excessive sweating as they perspire more. However, excessive perspiration can be also due to several underlying medical conditions such as menopause, psychiatric illnesses and very active thyroid glands. Excessive sweating is also known to occur to people with no known medical condition and thus the cause of heavy sweating for this group of people is unknown.
It is very distressing to suffer from over sweating and many people with this condition also suffer from low self esteem. This is because excessive sweating may cause them to have undesirable body odor, looking unkempt and dirty. It is easier for those who are overweight to reduce excessive perspiration since it is just a matter of reducing their body fat weight. Losing weight is easy with the right combination of exercises and healthy eating habits. Many people who find it hard to lose weight and disagree with me that losing weight is easy is because they are doing it wrongly.If excessive sweating is localized on parts of the body such as armpits, palms or the soles of feet, then treatments may be necessary to reduce over perspiration.
Sometimes anti-perspirants applied to the affected body part may just stop excessive sweating albeit temporarily.Simple and non surgical medical treatments that are known to reduce or even sometimes stop excessive sweating successfully are Iontophoresis where a low electrical current is introduced to the affected parts of the body or getting Botulinum toxin injections commonly known as Botox injections.If you are suffering from excessive sweating and over perspiration, and since this condition is most prevalent among people who are overweight, go get a medical check up to see if you are obese. If you are, then embark on a healthy diet and exercise program and your excessive sweating condition may be solved permanently.